When starting off your workout routine, you may feel that you got to workout everyday in order to get the muscles you want. However, after awhile and a few research, you'll find that it's not everyday that you need to workout. You may be confuse about how many times a week should you be doing your muscle building routine? In the previous article, it was said that not everyone has the same body built. Thus, not every muscle building routine may work for you.
The typical muscle building routines are:
1. 3 day full body routine
This is a great way to start off your muscle building routine. Why? You would be having 1 or 2 day gap in between workouts and it's a good chance for you to get familiar with the different workouts you would want to get your body familiar with. If you're a beginner, you'll eventually feel the ache in your muscles and the gaps in between would be suffice for recovery.
2. 4 day split
This routine would sometimes be called as intermediate routine because this would be an increase in your training from the 3 day full body routine.
3. 5 day split
This is the advanced routine. Since you would have 7 days in a week, training for 5 days would mean reaching maximum strength and growth in workouts. By this point, your volume trained on your muscles should increase as well.
Remember, muscles don't grow over night. Familiarise your body to the different muscle building routine and choose which routine would suit your body and schedule.